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this is the journey of my life..

Monday 4 July 2011

Perhentian Island, Terengganu

Perhentian Island, Kuala Terengganu. (Pulau Perhentian)

Perhentian Island well known as a beautiful and a good place for relaxing. There is two main islands, Perhentian Besar (Big Perhentian) and Perhentian  Kecil (Small Perhentian). 
Perhentian Kecil attracts more travellers, youngsters as it has cheaper accommodation, beach party every night with fire chain entertaiment, nice place for snokelling and diving too.While Besar is a little bit more expensive and caters more to families and those who want to avoid the backpacker party scene.

I went to Perhentian Kecil with a few friends. From Kuala Lumpur we took a night bus at 10pm from Hentian Putra and it took us 7.5 hours journey to Kuala Besut (jetty). Bus ticket will cost RM40 one way. We reached Kuala Besut at nearly 6am. From Kuala Besut, we took a speedboat to the island. Journey to the islands takes about 30 to 45 minutes by speed boat. There are a number of boat operators in Kuala Besut offering boat services to Perhentian Island. The return boat ticket cost RM 60.00 per person for speed boat. Once reached the island, we have to take 'water taxi' that cost us RM3.


Thursday 17 March 2011


Damai Beach, Santubong Sarawak

I love sun and beaches. I had a trip to Damai Beach in Sarawak with my girlfriends.
Damai beach is the main beach resort in Sarawak with pristine sandy beach by the South China Sea and Mount Santubong. Besides than the beach, its good place for hikers.
Damai Beach resort located in Santubong, quit far away from Kuching town.  Nice and cosy resort with front beach view.

Kuching, Sarawak

Kuching  is the capital and most populous city of the East Malaysian state of Sarawak. 

Kuching's Waterfront is a 900 meter long esplanade with landscaped park areas and eateries.
There are many heritage buildings along the way including the Square Tower and the Sarawak Steamship Company building. As you stand by the railing looking downwards at the Sarawak River below, you can see the ferry sampans called tambang going back and forth bringing commuters across the river. It is a popular place for locals and foreigners. A lovely area for walking, or just sitting enjoying the view and people watching. If you can venture out at night, it is lit up, as well as the streets, and the food vendors come and set up their stalls selling satay or malay food and other handicraft. Just a note, the price is not cheap.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Life in Hong Kong is like living with superstar. Fashions is always up to date. Beautiful city, but I have problem to communicate with the locals. People here are not really friendly. I'm here to release stress and to jump start a new life. No plan at all. Its winter and weather about 9 degrees, cold but sunny. 
Something happen in here that make my life changed. It was a good experienced. I'm not gonna regret it neither to forget.

Tuesday 11 January 2011


Lets start with my own country. I love my country and I'm proud to be Malaysian.

Malaysia is a multi-culture with a different races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony.
Malaysia is a gastronomical paradise and also home to hundreds of colourful festivals.
It's no wonder that we love celebrating and socialising. 
People in Malaysia are very laid back, warm and friendly.

Malaysia is divided into 13 states with 3 Federal Territories

Peninsular Malaysia 
  1. Selangor
  2. Johor
  3. Perak
  4. Melaka
  5. Penang
  6. Kelantan
  7. Terengganu
  8. Pahang
  9. Negeri Sembilan
  10. Kedah
  11. Perlis
East Malaysia (Borneo)
  1. Sabah
  2. Sarawak

separated by the South China Sea with 11 states and 2 federal territories (Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya) in Peninsular Malaysia and two states and 1 federal territory (Labuan) in East Malaysia.

Malaysia's key attractions is the Petronas Twin Tower (452 meters). According to the CTBUH’s official definition and ranking, they were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 until surpassed by Taipei 101, but remain the tallest twin buildings in the world.

Besides than the skyscrapers, we also have beaches, green natures, historical places and many more.

Monday 10 January 2011

h3r3 g03s n0thIng - my dr3am

Since I was  kids, I dream to travel around the world. Most people dream about such a thing too. While I was dreaming about it, I started to think why most people did not bring this dream to fruition or make their dream come true.

My first thought definitely because lack of money that held people back. Then I started noticing people who were 40 and 50 years old start travelling with their backpacks and that is what motivated me the most. I'm serious, if they can do it, I didn't see any reason why I can't. If I don't start now, I will never did. Think back, they 40-50 years old, they still manage to carry their backpacks, and it shows that it will never too late for me to start.

Perhaps there's always an excuse. "I have to finish study." "I just start new job." "I have to find a better job" "I've got a new boyfriend." "I just got married." "I just had a kid." "I'm too old to travel." All are perfectly good excuses not to have the time of your life by traveling around the world.

But I suddenly realized I was absolutely have no excuse. I had no boyfriend, no kids, no house. I had average paying job, and all I have to do just save some for my trip, pack my bags and ready to go.

There is something that really motivated me for travelling. Dennis Fink, a guy from Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He's inspire me a lot. I adore him so much as a mentor and as my beloved brother. Nothing can stop him from travelling. For him, travel without boundaries and enjoy every second of your life without regrets. He's not only a brother, he's my advisor too.

I know that I can't really travel around the world just like that. So I decide to start with a simple plan and continue my journey and enjoy every second of mylife without any regret.